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Multiple Languages, One Goal - Better Care

Adapt the KiviCare multilingual patient care approach with the language of your choice with any popular translation plugin available in WordPress.

65,000+ Downloads

Localize With Ease

Translate with WPML

KiviCare support the popular language translation plugin WPML

Multilingual Patient Care | Patient Appointment Multi Language Support | KiviCare
Multilingual Patient Care | Patient Appointment Multi Language Support | KiviCare

Loco Translate Support

KiviCare works well with the popular language translation plugin Loco Translate

RTL (Right-to-Left) Support

Seamlessly setup KiviCare in Arabic language, Or any language which needs RTL orientation

Multilingual Patient Care | Patient Appointment Multi Language Support | KiviCare
Multilingual Patient Care | Patient Appointment Multi Language Support | KiviCare

Easily Switch Modes

Easily Switch From LTR to RTL mode And Vice Versa

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